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Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Red Nose Day Creations
We have been busy at Loxdale this week with Red Nose Day creations. Each class was given the mission to create a piece of artwork, to...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Y4 Spruce - Easter Egg Competition
Children in Year 4 Spruce took part in designing an Easter Egg for the school Easter competition. Our winners were Omika, Jacob and Isla....
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Y4 Spruce - Red Nose Day
Year 4 Spruce have all been involved in raising money for Red Nose Day, we decorated our very own red nose named Geoffrey. He has been...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Y4 Spruce - STEM Week
Year 4 Spruce have enjoyed being scientists during STEM week, we carried out a range of investigations, experiments and observations...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Y2 Oak - End of Term
Well done to our Co Joe winner for the spring term and to the children who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in the Easter competition, all...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Reception Willow have had a really fantastic STEM week. They have enjoyed taking part in a number of scientific experiments as well as...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Science Week
This week we have been celebrating science. We have used the potatoes we grew to make cheese and potato pie.
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Year 1 Ash Easter Crafts
Take a look at our wonderful Easter crafts. They all look lovely.
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Easter Egg Competition
Well done to all the children in Year 5 Cedar who took part in our Easter egg competition. Congratulations to Angiolino who came 1st...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
Year 5 Cedar continued their STEM week today by exploring how materials dissolved in liquid and how to recover a substance from a...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 22
What a fantastic week the children in Year 5 Cedar have had during STEM week. We started the week off with some cooking, The children...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 21
Year 1 Elm
Well done to all of the children who entered the 'Decorate an Easter Egg Competition' all children have received a certificate from Mrs...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 21
Easter Spirit
Y3 Chestnut are getting into the Easter spirit, not only have we performed our amazing class assembly this week, which was brilliant, we...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 21
Egg-cellent Entries!
Wow! Look at our amazing entries for the Easter Egg competition, we have some really arty children in Y3 Chestnut! Well done, they are so...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 21
Dodgeball Competition
On Tuesday a group of children represented Loxdale in a Dodgeball Competition versus Fieldview Primary School. Great sportsmanship was...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 20
Year 2 Oak - STEM Week
Year 2 Oak have enjoyed STEM week so far! We began our week by developing our cookery skills and cutting our jacket potatoes and adding...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 20
Year 5 Pine have had a great start to STEM week. Yesterday the children prepped and cooked all the ingredients to make our own loaded...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 20
Maple Class were so excited this morning, when they used their home grown potatoes to make delicious chips. #scienceweek #potatoes...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 20
Following on from our topic of 'People Who Help Us' in Nursery, the children have enjoyed learning all about police officers. They even...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 19
Science Assembly
A huge thanks to Dr K and Sam from the University of Wolverhampton's STEM response team for their special assembly this afternoon. We all...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 18
Computing Session
Year 5 Pine would like to say a big thank you to Mr Ashton for delivering such an amazing computing session. The children have learnt how...
Loxdale Primary
Mar 18
Red Nose Day
Reception Willow really enjoyed celebrating 'Red Nose Day'. Thank you all for your generous donations!
Loxdale Primary
Mar 18
Comic Relief
Comic Relief 2024- Year 3 Beech had a fantastic day on Friday to celebrate Comic Relief. We even designed our own red noses! Thank you to...
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