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Loxdale Primary
Feb 28
World Book Day Reminder
World Book Day – Thursday 6th March World Book Day is almost here! 📚❤️ As a reminder, children are welcome to come to school dressed as...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 27
Year 2 Oak - Maths
During Maths today, we used the paint to understand the concept of 'symmetry'. We created patterns on one half of our paper before...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 27
PSHE in Year 3
This week in PSHE we looked at how different people communicate. We talked about the importance of being an active listener and the...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 26
Nursery - Puppets
Nursery have created their own puppets today during their art session! They had to use a variety of colours for clothing, added googly...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 25
This week in art, Year 5 Cedar really enjoyed doing collages and looking at mixed media in the style of 'Chila Kumari Singh Burman'. Take...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 14
Y5 Cedar - RE
This week, Year 5 Cedar had a very special visitor during RE. Mrs Sanger was kind enough to join our RE lesson and talk about her Hindu...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 14
Y6 Poplar - Attendance Award
Year 6 Poplar have taken a trip to the vending machine to collect their prize for winning the attendance battle! They selected B0 and won...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 14
RAF Cosford - Year 2 Oak
Year 2 had a fantastic day yesterday. We deepened our understanding on how flight has changed over time. Thankyou to RAF Cosford and...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 12
Half Term - Dates Reminder
As a reminder, we break up for half term this Friday (14th February) and we’re looking forward to welcoming children back to school on...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 10
Mental Health Week
Last week in Year 5 Cedar, the children talked about their feelings and emotions. They explored and embraced self-awareness and...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 7
Celebrating Our Amazing Year 3 & 4 Basketball Stars!
A huge well done to our incredible Year 3 and 4 children who represented our school at the recent basketball tournament in Wolverhampton!...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 7
Mental Health Week - Year 2 Oak
During our PSHE lesson this week, we spoke about feelings and emotions. We discussed how it was ok to feel more than one emotion at one...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 6
Year 1 DT
This term in DT, we have been creating our own windmills. Take a look at how they turned out!

Loxdale Primary
Feb 6
Iron Age & Anglo Saxon Settlements
Year 4 have been researching continuities and changes of Iron Age and Anglo Saxon settlements. They then practiced constructing their own...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 6
Reception Maple - Author Visit
Reception were very lucky earlier this week, to have a special visitor come into school. Fatima Ordinola came into our class to read us...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 6
Year 4 Rowan class has been diving into the fascinating world of the Anglo-Saxons! This week, they explored Anglo-Saxon homes and...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 6
Y1 Elm - Verbs
Year 1 Elm have blown us away in Literacy this week! Their understanding of verbs has been amazing and they were able to find lots of...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 5
Year 6 Poplar Computing Day with Mr Ashton!
Year 6 are having a great day using Scratch to programme their very own game. They have learnt how to change variables in the game which...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 4
Year 5 Pine - DT
In Year 5 we have been learning about bridges and structures this week in DT. We have been looking at arch bridges and beam bridges and...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 3
Children's Mental Health Week
As part of children's mental health week, year 4 have been learning about relaxation and visualisation in PSHE. Here are some of our...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 3
Parent Health Workshops
Please see the image below for information about Parent Health Workshops for parents/carers of young people with an EHCP or health...

Loxdale Primary
Feb 3
Mental Health Support
Please see the image below for details about events during the February Half Term being held by the Mental Health Support Team at...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 31
In Art this week, Year 5 Cedar have been looking at different techniques that they can use in their painting to create a background for...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 31
💡This week in Science, Year 5 Cedar have been looking at how different materials can be a conductor or an insulator in a circuit. The...
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