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Loxdale Primary
Jan 17
House Day for Year 3
Our winning house for house day is red house (St George's), so for the children in this house they got a special reward. They got time...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 17
Year 2 - St George's House
The children from St George's house have enjoyed a fun morning outdoors with their friends. They had the opportunity to participate in a...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 17
🏆 Exciting News for Loxdale Primary School! ⚽
We are incredibly proud to announce that Loxdale Primary School has been recognized for our commitment to ensuring equal access to...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 17
St George's House Day
Today, Year 4 children from St George's (red) house took part in team building activities as a reward for their hard work and being last...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 17
Loxdale COJOE Winners This Week!
Have a look at our Loxdale COJOE winners this week.

Loxdale Primary
Jan 16
NSPCC Workshop
Yesterday Year 6 were invited to complete a workshop with the NSPCC. They learnt lots of important information and were able to recap...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 16
Year 1 Elm Art
Year 1 Elm enjoyed an amazing art lesson where they completed a piece of work inspired by the artist Jasper Johns. The children had to...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 15
Nursery Class
The children in Nursery have had a very busy day today. We were very lucky to have three artists that came into class and completed...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 15
Speak out. Stay safe.
This morning, Year 5 Cedar took part in an informative workshop delivered by the NSPCC about how to speak out and stay safe. The children...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 15
Year 5 Pine - NSPCC Workshop
Today we were lucky enough to have some visitors from the NSPCC come in to speak with the children about how to "Speak out. Stay safe."...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 15
Geography - Rainforest
Year 4 have taken part in fieldwork to complete their 'Rainforest' unit of work in Geography. They have explored their local woodland...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 15
Pen Licence Owners
We are proud to announce our newest pen license owners in Year 4 Spruce! Demitri and Evan have worked so hard this year to improve their...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 13
Y1 Elm - Snow White
Year 1 Elm have really enjoyed our new book in Literacy, 'Snow White'. The children have impressed us with their super writing about the...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 13
Reception Willow - Space
In our topic lessons this term, we are learning all about space! We have started by looking at planet Earth, our country and our town....

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Nursery PM - Kingswood
Nursery PM had a wonderful time at Kingswood today with their grown ups! We started off the day by creating dens/shelters, then used pine...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Y6 Elder - A Christmas Carol
This morning, Year 6 Elder watched a theatrical performance of A Christmas Carol, performed by M & M Productions. The children loved the...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Y3 Beech - Pantomime
Year 3 have had a fantastic morning watching the M&M production of 'A Christmas Carol'. They had lots of chances to sing and dance along...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Year 6 Poplar
Year 6 Poplar have had a great morning watching a production of 'A Christmas Carol' performed by M&M Productions. We have really enjoyed...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Congratulations Favour!!
We would like to say a 'MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS' to Favour who has achieved her pen licence, the first one in Year 4 Rowan. A big well...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Year 2 Oak - Maths
We are really excited to be starting Multiplication in Year 2. This lesson we used practical resources to create an array.

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Y4 Spruce - Biographies & Art
Year 4 Spruce have made a fantastic start to the Spring term. We have written fantastic biographies about Roald Dahl and have created...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Year 4 History
In history, Year 4 Rowan have been exploring how leisure activities have evolved from the Tudor and Victorian periods to today! Using...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 10
Nursery - Kingswood
Nursery had a fantastic time at Kingswood yesterday with their grownups! We started off the day by creating dens/shelters, then used pine...

Loxdale Primary
Jan 6
Roald Dahl Classroom Hunt
During literacy, the children went on a 'Roald Dahl' hunt around the classroom. They worked with their learning partner to gather...
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