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Governor Profiles

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Mr Stuart Hill

Chair of Governors, Pay Chair

To me, being a Governor means helping and supporting the school and staff to deliver the very best to our current and future pupils. As a Parent Governor with a child in a local secondary school, I feel that being a Governor provides a real opportunity to make a difference for all the children. All the Governors bring different skills and experiences and as a Chartered Tax Advisor, I really understand the importance of strong Numeracy and Literacy skills. As Chair of Governors and chair of the Finance committee I try to use my skills to support and develop the aims and objectives for the school and to set, monitor and evaluate the school's policies and targets. Being a Governor is a significant commitment but is really rewarding.

Stuart Hill

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Mrs Tricia Scott

Head Teacher

My name is Tricia Scott and I have been fortunate enough to have been the Headteacher at Loxdale for the past nine years, having previously been the Deputy Headteacher. I believe that I am in a very privileged position and I take my responsibilities as a Governor very seriously. I have seen so many positive changes at school over the years and I hope that this will continue for many years to come.

Our Governors work very hard to make sure that the children of Loxdale get the very best they deserve and we remain committed to promoting the education and welfare of all the pupils at our school.

I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to work with a great set of Governors, fantastic parents and wonderful children and I would like to thank everyone at school for making my job such a great one!

Tricia Scott

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Mrs Emma Wright-Jones

Deputy Headteacher

My name is Emma Wright-Jones and I have been proud to have been the Deputy Headteacher of Loxdale Primary school for 9 years. I love the diversity which each day brings in teaching – no two days are ever that same!

I moved to the Midlands as I became Deputy Head and I’m still getting use to some of the sayings and the Black country ‘twang’; I however am very proud to be northern and still try my hardest to hold onto my own accent!

It has been a privilege to be a staff/ co-opted Governor and I take my role very seriously in order to maintain the good standards of Loxdale Primary School. I give 100% in supporting our Headteacher Mrs Scott and try to be an active member of the Governing Board.

Emma Wright-Jones

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Mrs Jodie Wallwork

Co - opted Governor, F and GP Chair

Hi, my name is Jodie Wallwork and I currently serve on the Governing Board as a co-opted Governor. I have lived and worked within the local area all my life and have a keen interest in helping to improve the lives and outcomes of children and young people in our local area. I work within the Education sector as a HR Consultant for a locally based company who provide professional business support services to schools.

I have a son who thoroughly enjoys attending Loxdale Primary and I am looking forward to working with the school to continue to provide a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment for all the children who attend.

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Steven Liggins

Parent Governor

My name is Steven Liggins and I have recently joined Loxdale Primary’s Governing board. It’s an honour to have been appointed as a Parent Governor.

My career has recently brought me in to the world of education. As a Health & Safety professional and many years of charitable youth work there is nothing more rewarding than helping young people to learn and develop in safe and healthy surroundings.

My daughter started at Loxdale in September 2019, meaning that I now have an increased interest in the school. As a Governor I am looking forward to working with and supporting our valued pupils and staff to provide positive experiences as well as a high standard of education in a safe and happy environment.

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Mrs Wendy Sheldon

Co-opted Governor

My Name is Wendy Sheldon and I have been a Governor at Loxdale Primary School since 2014.

I have two children who both attend Loxdale Primary School. I have volunteered at Loxdale for a number of years and undertook my Teaching Assistant Level 2 and Level 3 certificates during this time. Being both a governor and currently a staff member at Loxdale gives me the opportunity to be part of the school community and gives me an insight into everyday life at Loxdale.

I support school by attending meetings, training sessions, school trips and visits, fundraising opportunities, parents’ evenings and assemblies and by supporting children in the classroom. I am proud to be part of the Loxdale Team and watching our children become the successful young adults they become when the leave Loxdale.

In my spare time I like nothing more but to spend time with my family.

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Mr Ian Lockett

Co-opted Governor

My name is Ian Lockett and I have recently joined the Governing Board at Loxdale. I have recently retired after spending 38 years as a secondary teacher. I began my career in the North and moved down to the Midlands 33 years ago finishing my career as Community Director at George Salter Academy in West Bromwich. I am hoping that all my experience in schools will help me to make a positive impact as part of the team at Loxdale, although things are very different now from 1981!

I joined the Governing body at my children’s Primary School whilst they were pupils there, ending up as Chair. But as my daughter has been teaching for 7 years and my son has just graduated from university, that was quite a few years ago as well.

My main hobbies are all types of sport, both playing and watching and I have a keen interest in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, being both a Leader and Assessor for the scheme.

I am fortunate to do some part-time work for Wider Learning and have delivered the ‘Xplore’ training in Loxdale for the last 2 years. This has enabled me to get to meet some students, staff and to experience the atmosphere and ethos within the school. As a result, I was pleased to be asked to join the Governing Board and I hope I will be able to put something back into the system that I have been proud to have been a part of my whole working life.

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Ceri Cowley

Staff Governor

My name is Ceri O'Sullivan, as a former pupil of Loxdale Primary School, it makes me very proud to now be a staff Governor. I am very proud to be the EYFS Lead at Loxdale and I love coming into school every single day. It has been a real privilege to be involved in lots of exciting changes at Loxdale and I am looking forward to many more positive changes to come. As part of my teaching role, I strive to make every child feel happy, safe and provide the very best opportunities and experiences, allowing wonderful memories for our children to be made. I am really excited to be part of the Governing Board and contributing to the continued success of Loxdale Primary School.

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Mrs Sarah Fenton

Co-opted Governor

Hello, my name is Sarah Fenton and I have a long history with Loxdale Primary School. I volunteered while I was completing my teaching degree and also completed my final teaching placement at Loxdale. A few years later, I joined the Loxdale family as Sarah Jones, a class teacher! Loxdale has always felt like home, and even now in a new building, with lots of different faces it still feels like home. I taught at Loxdale for nearly ten years and worked from nursery to year 6. I led Literacy and phonics, early years and key stage 2, so I feel I have lots of experience to share, and can support the current staff as a Governor. Loxdale has always gone above and beyond for their children. The children are always given lots of opportunities to experience new things from visits, visitors and residentials. I was always proud to work at Loxdale and be a part of a fantastic team. Now, I am equally proud to become a governor, and work towards keeping Loxdale the amazing school that it is. I look forward to being able to be in school and supporting in any way that I can.

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Will Flitcroft

LA Governor

Hello, my name is Will Flitcroft and I am new to the Board of Governors here at Loxdale Primary School.

It was with great privilege that I was able to accompany Reception Maple and Willow on their school trip to Sycamore Green adventure centre on the 1st July.

Firstly, I must say how pleasant, polite, friendly and fun the children were. It was great to be involved and watch them learn to be as adventurous as they could.

I helped with several ‘treasure hunts’, watched lots of the pupils ascend the climbing ropes and to see the achievement they felt on their face when scaling the top was brilliant. Also being roped into pedalling the passenger cart too was fun but seriously exhausting! :)

Finally, the high fives from the children as they left the coach topped off a great day.
Thank you to the pupils and staff that made the day fantastic.

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Mr Mark Johnson

Parent Governor

Hi, my name is Mark Johnson, I have recently become a member of the school governing board. I decided to become a governor at Loxdale primary because I thought it would be a good example for my children (one has just started in reception) to see me give time to something important like education.

I have spent most of my career, supporting and researching organisations that work with children, families and young people. In my present role I work with children and young people with challenging behaviour and their families, giving support and signposting other agencies. This work has given me a lot of experience working in schools and understanding some of the challenges they face.

I hope that my skills and knowledge will be a great addition to the governing team, and I look forward to working with them to provide a great educational experience and platform for the children to build on.

Any issues please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards,
Mark Johnson

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Mr Kieran Ellement

Associate Member

I am an Associate Vice Principal, responsible for teaching & learning, curriculum implementation and assessment at Ormiston South Wolverhampton and Bilston Academy. I joined Loxdale as an Associate Governor in September 2022, with a keen interest in curriculum and the transition from KS2 into KS3. Since then, I believe I have strengthened the working relationship between Ormiston SWB and Loxdale, including offering subject support from secondary specialists, supporting curriculum reviews in Humanities and providing children from Loxdale with the opportunity to use the facilities at Ormiston SWB. In addition, I have also supported attendance at Loxdale through my role as link governor for attendance.

I graduated from Coventry University with an honours degree in Geography and Natural Hazards (BSc) before completing my PGCE in secondary geography at Keele University. I joined Ormiston SWB in 2016 and have held the position of lead practitioner (teaching and learning) and more recently Associate Assistant Principal (curriculum). I have a passion for improving life experiences of young people. One of my proudest achievements has been leading numerous trips to Iceland over the years, giving many of the students a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Outside of school, I am a proud father of two adopted boys who keep me busy during weekends and school holidays. I am a keen musician, having played in several bands and orchestras as a drummer from a young age.

Governing Body Committee Structure


Committee Name
Appeals Committee 
Any three non-staff Governors without a declaration of interest who were not involved in the deliberations of the original Committee(s) 
Curriculum and Standards Committee 
Mrs S Fenton (Chair) (C), Mrs C Cowley (S), Mr K Ellement (Associate Member), Mr M Johnson (P), Mr I Lockett (C), Mrs W Sheldon (C), Mrs E Wright-Jones (C), Mrs P Scott (Headteacher), Stephanie Russell (Clerk), Plus any Governors without an interest to ensure that the meetings are quorate 
Finance and General Purpose Committee 
Mrs J Wallwork (Chair) (C), Mrs E Wright-Jones (C), Mr S Liggins (P), Mr S Hill (C), Mr W Flitcroft (A), Mrs P Scott (Headteacher), Mr S Brooke (PO), Stephanie Russell (Clerk), Plus any Governors without an interest to ensure that the meetings are quorate 
Pay Committee 
Mr S Hill (Chair) (C), Mr S Liggins (P), Mr I Lockett (C), Mrs J Wallwork (C), Mrs P Scott (Headteacher), Mr S Brooke (PO), Stephanie Russell (Clerk), Plus any Governors without an interest to ensure that the meetings are quorate 
Performance Management Committee 
Mr S Liggins (P), Mr Ian Lockett (C), Mrs J Wallwork (C), Plus any Governors without an interest to ensure that the meetings are quorate 
Pupil Discipline Committee 
Any three non-staff Governors without a declaration of interest 
Review Officers - Headteacher Appraisal 
Mr S Hill (C) 
Site Management and Health & Safety Committee 
Mr S Liggins (Chair) (P), Mr S Hill (C), Mrs W Sheldon (C), Mrs E Wright-Jones (C), Mrs P Scott (Headteacher), Mr J Bowles (PO), Mr S Brooke (PO), Stephanie Russell (Clerk), Plus any Governors without an interest to ensure that the meetings are quorate 
Staff Discipline Committee 
Any three non-staff Governors without a declaration of interest 

All members of the Committee listed have voting rights on that Committee, unless they have a pecuniary interest in the matter or if they are listed as 'Papers Only'. Governors who are also members of staff would not be requested to form a pupil discipline committee or staff dismissal committee.

All Governors have voting rights unless they have an interest to declare in a particular matter at which point they would withdraw from the meeting.


If you wish to contact the chair of governors, please contact the school office on 01902 558570.

Link Governors

Link Governor Roles
Behaviour, Safeguarding, Children and Young People in Care (CYiC) & E-Safety 
Mr W Flitcroft 
Mrs W Sheldon 
Curriculum (Termly Focus) 
Mr Ellement 
Early Years 
Mrs E Wright-Jones 
Health & Safety 
Mr S Liggins 
Mrs C Cowley 
Mrs S Fenton 
Mr S Hill 
Pupil Premium 
Mrs J Wallwork 
SEND (Inclusion) 
Mr Johnson 
Sports Premium and PE 
Mr I Lockett 
Mr S Liggins 

Governor Meetings

Governors' Blog

Our Governors

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