Please click the links below for some useful information and wellbeing resources:​
Useful information for adoptive parents, special guardians, kinship carers and foster carers.
Useful information for parents and carers in conflict or separating.
Advice for parents and carers for talking about mental health with primary school children.
Guidance on the importance of self-care for parents and carers.
Free, confidential, and tailored help with anxiety, depression, or stress - available to anyone aged 16 or over who is registered with a Wolverhampton GP.
Further information about free, confidential, and tailored help with anxiety, depression, or stress - available to anyone aged 16 or over who is registered with a Wolverhampton GP.
Valuable guidance and advice for keeping you and your children safe online.
Exam Support
Exams: Supporting your Child (charliewaller.org)
5 ways to support your children through exams - BBC Teach
Exam Time & Exam Stress | Parents Guide To Support | YoungMinds
Information for 11-18 year olds – Exam stress - Mind
Phone Security