My name is Becky Powell and I am a new Local Authority Governor at Loxdale Primary School. I have been working within the education sector for seven years, starting in Children’s Centres, then moving to School Governance Services, and now working for the National School Breakfast Programme. I hope to be able to bring a number of skills to the board that I have developed in these three roles, but most of all, I am really passionate about ensuring that all children have the opportunity to get the most out of school, and enjoy it along the way.
As a Governor at Loxdale Primary School, I care about the education of the children and want to improve outcomes for them. My role as a Governor is to listen to the information that the school gives to me, and ask questions about it. My link role is Pupil Premium and therefore I also meet with staff in the school to ask them questions on how the Pupil Premium Funding is being spent on the children, and what impact this is having.
As well as Loxdale, I am also Vice-Chair at a small school in South Staffordshire. I love being a School Governor, and, although it is a big commitment, it is one of the most rewarding roles to have a go at, and I would encourage everyone to at least find out more about the role of a Governing Board, or join themselves!