Following on from feedback that we have received from parents/carers, we have reviewed our School Uniform Policy and implement the following changes to our school uniform policy:
· There are now 2 suppliers of Loxdale School Uniform. In addition to our current supplier on Bilston Market, we have introduced a new online school uniform supplier – School Bells Uniforms
· We have introduced a termly swap-shop for second-hand school uniform
· We have also made clear in our School Uniform policy how parents can discreetly request support with second-hand uniform
· We have uploaded our reviewed School Uniform Policy to the school website.
School uniform can be purchased at Sandra's School Uniforms on Bilston Market and online at www.schoolbellsuniforms.co.uk
In addition, we will also be holding regular 'School Uniform Swapshops' whereby parents and carers can swap their child's uniform free of charge. However, should any parents be finding it difficult to provide their child with the appropriate uniform, then please contact school directly for confidential help and support.